We're now in the Amazon Marketplace store. Happy birthday, StackRef!

Yesterday (June 20) marked a year since StackRef was officially incorporated. Less-officially, StackRef has been around since 2021.

Coincidentally, it’s also the day StackRef officially went live in the Amazon Marketplace!

Currently the pricing works out like this:

  • Purchase a monthly or yearly subscription for StackRef, in blocks of 100 or 1000 “StackCash.”
  • A subscription immediately grants you the requested number of StackCash, either into your already-created account or to a new one, if you hadn’t created one yet. You must be the organization owner in order for the StackCash to be assigned to your account.
  • StackCash is a form of credits within the StackRef application for spending on a number of different things, including the creation of hackathon events. Currently, creating an event will consume 100 StackCash.
  • If you choose to enable cloud sandbox accounts for event teams, you can allocate additional StackCash for each team to spend on certain resources, such as AWS EC2 instances and RDS databases (though teams are not limited to using most other common AWS services, like S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, etc.).
  • Subscription renewals can be canceled at any time. Purchasing a year of StackCash up-front will get you a discount (see the Marketplace page for pricing details).
  • You can choose to purchase additional blocks of 100 or 1000 StackCash through the Marketplace at any time. These will be metered and billed directly to your own AWS account at the end of the month it was purchased in.
  • Once your StackCash has been allocated to your account, it will never expire; you do not need to renew a subscription to keep it!

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at any time! We can also work with you to test the platform out for free, before you decide to pull the trigger.