It Takes Two Flints to Make a Fire

It Takes Two Flints to Make a Fire

“It takes two flints to make a fire.” - Louisa May Alcott

The enduring wisdom in these few, simple words from Louisa May Alcott paints a striking picture of the value of collaboration, a value that shines with particular brilliance in the realm of software engineering and, specifically, during internal hackathons.

In the unpredictable wilderness of software development, where new challenges arise as swiftly as new technologies, a solitary flint – the individual engineer – might strike against the tough problems of code, interface design, or system architecture. Sometimes, sparks will fly, and they might even kindle a flame. But without a second flint to strike against, without another perspective, another set of experiences, the chances of creating a sustainable fire—the powerful blaze of innovation—are considerably lower.

This is where the magic of internal hackathons comes in. These events are less of a competition and more of a confluence – a gathering of diverse flints, so to speak. They bring together software engineers, product managers, designers, and others in an energetic environment, fostering intense collaboration over a short period. Within this crucible, two, three, or more flints strike together, producing sparks of creativity that might have otherwise remained untapped.

Hackathons create a safe space for trial and error, a playground for experimentation. But more importantly, they function as a platform for collaboration. It is during these events that individuals can transcend their daily roles and limitations, stepping beyond their traditional flint-stone edges to connect and collide with others. Each collision, each interaction, propels an exchange of ideas and ignites potential solutions that one individual might not have conceived alone.

The sparks that fly during these hackathons illuminate paths to innovation that would have remained hidden in the solitary grind of everyday work. They inspire new features, new processes, new tools that can reshape the organization’s tech landscape. They can also fuel a sense of camaraderie, a shared understanding that, like a warm fire, can cut through the chill of even the most complex challenges.

It’s clear that Alcott’s timeless wisdom holds a profound truth for our modern tech world. True innovation is not a solitary pursuit, but a shared one. Like the flints striking together, we need to encourage collaboration, embrace diverse perspectives, and cherish the sparks that fly in the crucible of shared endeavor. For it is in these moments of intense collaboration that we can truly set the software world alight.