Dreams of Innovation

Dreams of Innovation

“A dream will not become an innovation if there is no realization.” — Ciputra

The world is full of dreamers, and thank goodness for them; without dreamers, this would be one heck of a dull place we exist in. But to take those dreams and make them real is truly next-level.

Sometimes all it takes is doing the one thing Yoda preaches not to do: Try.

Maybe it’s something you don’t quite fully believe in yet; it is after all a dream. Even the simple act of communicating your idea to a broader audience can spark it into something more, open possibilities, and bring some life to it.

You could also bypass external validation altogether, believe in yourself, and just go for it; even Yoda can’t fault you for that.

Innovation is within sight once you’ve “realized” that dream’s possibility of becoming something more.